A Transformational 3-Month Program For Coaches and Spiritual Entrepreneurs!

The AI Advantage For Spiritual Entrepreneurs™
Designing & Delivering Lucrative High-Ticket Offers

Scale Your Business With Premium Offers That Attract Your High-End Clients!

Get Ready To Harness The Power of AI To Transform Your Business & Skyrocket Your Client Base!

Imagine harnessing the power of leading-edge AI technology and unlocking the secret to creating a thriving, successful business for greater impact, influence and income!

Can you relate?

You're tired of feeling overwhelmed and burned out in your business, struggling to design and deliver offers that truly resonate with your clients.

Do you find it challenging to understand their needs and preferences in today's fast-paced digital landscape?

You're passionate about what you do, but the demand on your time and your income has hit a plateau.

You find yourself at a crossroads, desperately seeking a way to make an impact and more income without sacrificing your well-being or missing out on potential opportunities for your business.

It's time to break free from the constraints that are holding you back!


a transformative solution that empowers you to create lucrative high-ticket offers effortlessly.

Envision a tool that not only helps you understand your clients on a deeper level but also predicts their needs and delivers tailored experiences that drive exceptional results.

Get ready to unlock the unlimited possibilities that AI technology holds for your heart-centered business!

It's time to step up and embrace the power of AI to take your heart-centered business to new heights!

Let us guide you through our transformational 3-month program, leveraging the power of AI to design lucrative high-ticket offers that will revolutionize your business success!


Harnessing The Power of AI For High-
Ticket Offers


Clarifying Your Divine Market


Defining Your Unique Value and Expertise


Creating Your Irresistible Offer


Building A High-Converting Sales Funnel: Segment 1


Building A High-Converting Sales Funnel: Segment 2


Crafting Powerful Sales Copy


Leveraging Social Proof and Testimonials


Effective Marketing Strategies


Overcoming Objections and Increasing


Exceptional Client


Putting It

Imagine how you will feel when you harness the power of AI to...

Design and deliver high-ticket offers that support your premium clients at the highest level.

Increase your impact and income with clients who are happy to invest with you at 10x the price of a typical course.

Enroll 5, 10, 15 premium clients every month at $5K - $15K each.

Let's crunch some numbers...

How much is it costing you to not implement this strategy in your business?

  • If you're offering programs or services at $500, you'll need 500 clients to reach $250K in revenue.

  • When you offer a high-ticket offer for $5K, you only need 50 clients a year to reach $250K in revenue. (That's a little over 4 clients a month!)

  • 4 new clients a month at only $5K will put you at $240K in revenue.

  • In fact, with a $5K offer, you'd only need to enroll 1 client a week to reach $260K a year!

What would that mean for your business and life?

Just think...1 new client at only $5K will pay for your investment in the program! (We'll be teaching you how to create offers for much more.)

Imagine the deep level of relief you'll feel knowing you are able to create consistent income month in and month out with a few premium clients in your Divine Market.

If you’re not offering a transformational next step for your current and past clients with a high-ticket offer, you are leaving tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars on the table.

And you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to be supporting your best clients at the highest level.

Don't let your business stagnate or be left behind in today's fast-paced, technology-driven world!

Fast Track Your Success

Take advantage of the massive opportunities with AI today and take the guesswork out of marketing while developing a unique brand that resonates deeply with your Divine market.

Attract Clients On Demand

Create captivating content in seconds - that's irresistible to your ideal clients. Masterfully leverage social media and online communities, bringing your message to those who need it most. Use AI to stand out from your competition.

Reach 6 Figures This Year

Unlock proven strategies that transform leads into paying clients – irrespective of the economic climate. Navigate enrollment conversations with grace – no pushy sales tactics, just authentic connections. And when objections arise, utilize AI to help you overcome them smoothly.

Understand Your Client's Needs

Learn how to utilize AI to gain deep insights in to your Divine clients' desires and pain points, allowing you to create targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with them.

Expand Your Reach

Learn how to harness AI to identify and engage with potential clients who are searching for the life-changing transformation that only you can provide.

Optimize Your Sales Process

Discover how AI can help you create a seamless and effective sales funnel that optimizes your conversions leading to even more happy clients.

Here Is What's Included

Private Members Portal To The Library of Trainings & Resources

Unlock 24/7 access to our members portal to a treasure trove of trainings, resources, and support materials, such as templates, scripts, and checklists designed to supercharge your success.

Comprehensive Training To Design High-Ticket Offers Using AI ($3,000.00 value)

Unleash AI's potential in this 3-month training. Discover the secrets to crafting and delivering high-ticket offers that will skyrocket your success.

Private Facebook Community ($500.00 value)

Stay connected 24/7 in our exclusive private FB community for ongoing support, get your questions answered and get feedback as you connect with other like-minded individuals.

3 Live Group Mentoring Sessions Each Month ($3,000.00 value)

Join us for live Group Mentoring Sessions the 1st
3 weeks of every month for 3 months, where you'll receive real-time support, strategy, coaching, and personalized feedback on your high-ticket offer.

Join Designing & Delivering Lucrative High-Ticket Offers today and embrace the future of coaching!

Let us guide you through our transformational 3-month program, leveraging the power of AI to design lucrative high-ticket offers that will revolutionize your business!

What Others Are Saying...


I made my money back within the 1st few weeks. Then I had the highest revenue month I've ever had. The following month I made more than I'd made the previous year!

melissa feick

I knew I was ready for the next level in my business. I implemented just one of the strategies you teach and I signed up 3 high-end clients right away!

Ellany lea

I needed someone who was playing a seven-figure game to mentor me. I reached $100K in six months working half the hours! I knew it would have taken me years on my own! You rock my world!


Eva's trainings on the power of AI have been an absolute game-changer for me! It's like having a knowledgeable assistant who understands my style and knows exactly what I want to convey. It's as if I suddenly became an expert wordsmith overnight. I'm able to capture the attention of my recipients effortlessly.

carla salteris

ChatGPT has been my go-to tool for creating compelling titles that consistently convert. Whether I need attention-grabbing email subject lines, engaging course names, or captivating module titles, it delivers. It offers an abundance of combinations that help me find the perfect expression to attract my Divine clients. I love it! Eva trainings on AI have been truly revolutionizing. What she's taught us has provided me with invaluable insights and strategies that have elevated my marketing efforts to new heights!

annette NEIMAN meinzer

Thanks to Eva’s clear guidance, ChatGPT has been a genuine lifesaver in my business.

It's simplified my email campaigns, made video content creation effortless, turbocharged my program development, and even streamlined my group calls. The strategies and techniques Eva shares are nothing short of revolutionary, and the knowledge and skills you gain will benefit your business from day one.

kim ravida

I signed up my first high-end client right away. In 4 days, I made my investment back.

elizabeth barbour

I increased my income by an additional $19,200 by adding one group program!

sharon buck

I can't believe how far I've come! Seemingly out of the blue, I attracted 2 new clients and I didn't have to 'work' to get them.

shari goodwin

My specific goal was to gain an additional $100,000 within six months. I am thrilled to report that with Eva’s help I far exceeded that goal...in 5 months.

diane haworth

With your help, I’ve birthed new offers, new programs, and new events. I am so grateful for your guidance and the structure you have for the program. It’s been pivotal in creating the foundation I need to go to this next level.

annette meinzer

I doubled my fees and attracted 2 new clients, then doubled my fees again and got 2 more new clients! I've since made more in one month than I did all of last year!

Enroll Today And Get These Exclusive Bonuses



2 Live Monthly Mindset/Energy Alignment Sessions Each Month ($2,000.00 value)

Join us for live Group Mindset Sessions the 1st 2 weeks of every month for 3 months. Our focus on mindset is an integral part of the program at a level you won't find in any other business program.

Deanna Wharwood

Just the fact that I have been able to attain any goal is a testament to your ability. I have already achieved half of my goals in 3 months without strain or bulldozing.

melissa pierce

The training, mentoring and class camraderie has literally transformed my coaching practice. My monthly coaching income has tripled!

maybel reyes

I attracted 30 new chiropractic clients within 30 days...during our slow season!

Dr. Monique Hunt

I've been using ChatGPT for my Sunday morning emails, and it has made such a difference! Coming up with fresh content every week used to be a challenge, but now it's a breeze. I simply feed my ideas into ChatGPT, and it pulls out different approaches for me to consider. What used to take a week or more now only takes a couple of hours! Sometimes it even gives me so many ideas that I can split them into multiple emails for future Sundays. I also used ChatGPT to revamp a program I had created. I wanted it to be more spiritually engaging, fun, and infused with a touch of humor. So I put the copy into ChatGPT and asked for specific improvements. And guess what? It recreated my copy in a way that made my program much more exciting. The response has been incredible and more people are commenting and engaging with my program than ever before! I am beyond grateful for the impact that Eva Gregory's trainings on ChatGPT have had on my business. If you're looking to boost engagement with your programs and supercharge your business, I wholeheartedly recommend exploring the possibilities of working with her!

ann rusnak

Unbelievable! Eva has truly revolutionized my business with the introduction of AI and ChatGPT. Through her insightful lessons, I have gained an unprecedented level of clarity on my target audience, streamlined my offerings, polished my sales copy, and even developed an irresistible lead magnet. But that's not all; ChatGPT has proven to be an invaluable research tool, providing me with a wealth of knowledge and inspiration. For months, I've struggled to find the perfect messaging for my major rebranding efforts. However, in just one afternoon, ChatGPT effortlessly solved that problem, delivering precisely the messaging I needed. Moreover, it has sparked countless ideas for articles and courses, fueling my creative endeavors. Joining Eva's program has been nothing short of a game-changing decision and undoubtedly one of the most lucrative investments I've made for my business.

I highly recommend joining! Prepare to be amazed.



3 Additional Months of Online Support ($1,500.00 value)

Receive an additional 3 months of online support for a total of 6 full months allowing you to fine-tune your high-ticket offers and craft your marketing plan with confidence.

selah cambias

Having Eva as my coach has been an investment in my business that has paid me back over and over. Choosing the direction and the means for my business would have taken me years. She's more than a coach, marketing expert and visionary. Eva helps us leave a legacy.

lisa van allen

You coached me on determining my true value and the value I offer my clients. As soon as I did that, the lightbulb went on and I immediately raised my fees without batting an eye!

Emily webber

I didn't want another program that only taught business nuts and bolts. The spiritual part had to be as important. The business 'how-to' pieces were VERY in depth, but aligning my energy enabled me to move forward in leaps and bounds. If you have an opportunity to work with Eva...do it.

Kat wells

Working with you has forever changed my life. I'd spent years and thousands of dollars in search of my niche and uniqueness. I almost gave up. THANK YOU for helping me tap into my Inner Guidance. Immediately discovered my unique approach that I had never considered before. Within HOURS I created a new business concept and everything I needed showed up to support me. I love you to the moon and back!

suzanne falter

Eva's work with Theos on my behalf sent chills of recognition down my spine. I got a magnifience overview of my personal power, where I needed to express it and with whom. It was literally a career and life-changing experience!

kelly o'neil

When I think about all of the business decisions that cost me time, energy and lots of money...well, let's just say it was costly. When I began to listen to my Inner Guidance in the way Eva teaches, my business exploded and a 7-figure painful lesson became a thing of the past. If you're ready to tap into that in yourself, let Eva be your guide.



3 Monthly "Get 'Er Done" Implementation Sessions ($1,500.00 value)

Enjoy this exclusive opportunity to fast-track your success by joining us for 3 powerful monthly online sessions specifically designed to propel you forward.

These 90-minute sessions are typically reserved for members of the Enlightened Business Success Academy, but now you can join the ranks during the 12-week journey of this program when you choose the full-pay option. Come prepared to roll up your sleeves and dive into the most pressing area you need laser focus on to get done.

Take advantage of the full-pay option and join us for these productive "Get 'Er Done" Implementation Sessions. Success is waiting, and it's time to make your mark!


3 Monthly "Happy Hour With Theos" Sessions ($1,500.00 value)

Ignite your transformation with 3 exclusive "Happy Hour With Theos" sessions. Immerse yourself in the energy of Eva's revered spirit guides, Theos, as they unveil the secrets to unlock your highest potential.

Eva's ability to channel Theos sets her apart from the rest, and now you have the golden opportunity to bask in their wisdom.

Normally reserved exclusively for members of the Enlightened Business Success Academy, these monthly sessions are available to you when you choose the full-pay option.


PLUS An Additional $1,000.00 Savings!

Supercharge your savings with this irresistible offer by choosing the full-pay option and watch an additional $1,000.00 instantly melt away.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to keep your cash where it belongs – in your wallet. Grab your spot today to snag these jaw-dropping $1,000.00 savings. (Your wallet will thank you later!)

janick lemieux

So happy to report I have added 12 new clients within the first two weeks! Oh. My. Word. Thank you, Eva!

susan sinclair

Eva's program has been the #1 reason I've helped more than 180 people in just two years. I've had 85-90% of event attendees request a session with me and more than 80% have become clients! Thank you, Eva!

mary ann bailey

I am much better at bringing on clients and nore comfortable charging higher fees! I doubled my income within two months!

linda cassell

I have my signature offer. I've started a blog. I have increased my 1-on-1 client base and I've increased my fees! And now it's so easy because I know that's what I deserve!

gregory joseph

Eva is one of those amazing people who can look at the overall picture and give you the details for immediate change. I have achieved more in the last 12 week than in the last two years!

vigneswari abraham

I had my first webinar for my group coaching program. Out of 18 entrepreneurs, 5 signed up for group coaching and 1 signed up for 1-on-1 coaching. Another expressed interest in being a promotional partner. Thank you so much, Eva!

Don't miss out on this groundbreaking opportunity to be at the forefront of AI-driven coaching. Enroll today and start
Bringing Soul To AI!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

In Summary Here's What You Get


$1,000.00 Savings!

  • 3-month training to design high-ticket offers using AI ($3,000 value)

  • Private Facebook group community ($500 value)

  • Private 24/7 members portal with access to all trainings, documentation, scripts, templates, and processes

  • 3 Group Mentoring Sessions Each Month ($3,000 value)

  • BONUS 1: 2 Monthly Group Mindset Sessions ($2,000 value)

  • BONUS 2: 3 Additional Months of Online Support ($1,500 value)

  • VIP FULL PAY BONUS #1: 3 Monthly "Get 'Er Done" Implementation Sessions (1,500 value)

  • VIP FULL PAY BONUS #2: 3 Monthly "Happy Hour With Theos" Sessions ($1,500.00 value)

  • VIP FULL PAY BONUS #3: An Additional $1,000 Savings!

    TOTAL VALUE: $14,000.00


Most Flexible

  • 3-month training to design high-ticket offers using AI ($3,000 value)

  • Private Facebook group community ($500 value)

  • Private 24/7 members portal with access to all trainings, documentation, scripts, templates, and processes

  • 3 Group Mentoring Sessions Each Month ($3,000 value)

  • BONUS 1: 2 Monthly Group Mindset Sessions ($2,000 value)

  • BONUS 2: 3 Additional Months of Online Support ($1,500 value)

    TOTAL VALUE: $10,000.00


Choose the best plan for you and click the COUNT ME IN! button below to join right away.


For A $1,000.00 Savings!



Of Only


brenni larson

All I can say is WOW! I hosted a summit and turned the interviews into a book. I started recruiting yesterday and in 24 hours have 7 experts on board! It's like blocks have been removed and whatever I want I can have. I am beyond thrilled to experience such a powerful and fast energy shift! Thank you, Eva!

monique wells

I wanted to work with Eva 1-on-1. Joining the program was the closest I could come to that. If you're considering joining, you'll be hard-pressed to find a better program for working on both mindset and strategy for a heart-centered business - and hard-pressed to find a more generous coach!

rochelle zanini

With what I've learned in the program, I've seen huge shifts in my Reiki business. I am connecting with my Divine clients! The program is a fully-packed high-value program that is a complete package!

lee ann del carpio

Eva is an incredible combination of inspiration and action, on both the personal and business level., With her support I trained my brain to focus on prosperity and abundance and successfully transitioned to a full-time inner leadership consulting practice.

ruth hegarty

I have more confidence, more clients, set higher fees, grew my list and changed my niche to one I'm so delighted with. I've added passive income streams to my business and developed a whole social networking presence I didn't have before!


What is the program about?

Designing & Delivering Lucrative High-Ticket Offers™ is a transformative training program that focuses on leveraging the power of AI (Artificial Intelligence) to design and deliver lucrative high-ticket offers. It aims to help business owners create tailored experiences for their clients, predict their needs, and drive exceptional results.

How can this program help my business?

Designing & Delivering Lucrative High-Ticket Offers can help your business by providing you with the tools and knowledge to harness the power of AI technology. It guides you through various aspects, such as understanding your client's needs, creating irresistible offers, building high-converting sales funnels, applying effective marketing strategies, and providing exceptional client experiences. Using AI can increase your impact, attract premium clients, and significantly boost your income.

What is included in the program?

Designing & Delivering Lucrative High-Ticket Offers includes a range of valuable resources and benefits. These include access to a private members portal with trainings and resources, a 3-month training on designing high-ticket offers using AI, a private Facebook community for ongoing support, three months of live group mentoring sessions and an additional 3 months of online support for a total of 6 full months of support.

How much revenue can I expect to generate with high-ticket offers?

The revenue you can generate with high-ticket offers depends on various factors, such as the price of your offer and the number of clients you enroll. With a high-ticket offer priced at $5,000, enrolling just four clients per month would generate $240,000 in revenue per year. By designing and delivering high-ticket offers, you have the potential to reach six-figure revenue and beyond with fewer clients compared to lower-priced offerings.

What is the investment to join?

We offer a payment plan of only $400 a month for 10 months.

Or you can choose the full-pay option of $4000 and save $1,000.00 plus enjoy the Exclusive VIP Bonus Package valued at $4,000.

Just think, when you start implementing high-ticket offers at $4,000, you only need one client to cover your investment in the program. It's a return on investment that will reward you over and over again!

What are the benefits of joining the program as a full-pay member?

Joining the program as a full-pay member provides several exclusive benefits. The $4,000.00 VIP Full-Pay Bonus Package includes three monthly "Get 'Er Done" implementation sessions to fast-track your success, three monthly "Happy Hour With Theos" sessions where you can tap into spiritual wisdom, and an additional $1,000.00 savings.

Will the investment for this program be raised? 

Yes. Will will be raising the investment for this program. However, those who join us right now can enjoy the significant savings we’re offering for a limited time. 

Who is this program for?

This program is for spiritual entrepreneurs, coaches, and thought leaders who are movers, shakers and action-takers here to make a difference in the world, and are ready to build a long-term, sustainable service-based business to six figures and beyond by harnessing the power of AI to create and deliver high-ticket offers.

I'm not particularly tech-savvy. Can I still benefit from this program?

Absolutely! This program is designed with heart-centered coaches and spiritual entrepreneurs in mind, regardless of your technical expertise. We understand that your focus is on making a genuine difference rather than becoming a tech guru. That's why we've created this program to be accessible and valuable for individuals like you. We'll provide you with practical strategies and tools that are easy to implement in your business, regardless of your level of technical proficiency. You’ll feel comfortable and confident in utilizing AI to amplify your heart-centered work, cut hours, days, weeks and months from the time-consuming actions you are currently taking in your business and create meaningful connections with your clients.

Will this program work for any niche?

This program is for those who are in a service-based business. As long as your niche is in a service-based business, you're golden. For example, we've worked with coaches, healers, holistic practitioners, chiropractors, consultants, speakers, trainers, and thought leaders among others.

What if I still have questions?

We'd love to hear from you! There are several ways you can reach us:
Email us at info@evagregory.com
DM us directly on Facebook here
Leave us a message in the Chat box below.


It all began on the incredible Marketer's Cruise, a mind-blowing event teeming with brilliant thinkers and industry leaders. That's where my eyes were truly opened to the astonishing power of ChatGPT.

I was completely awe-struck by its capabilities and potential. My mind went into overdrive, racing to grasp every intricate detail of this technology.

But here's the kicker.

I've always trusted my inner guidance and intuition.

My clients, who happen to be heart-centered coaches and spiritual entrepreneurs and I value that human touch, the very essence of 'heart and soul,' in our communication, copy, and content.

I was genuinely concerned. Would AI strip away that essence? Would it render our interactions cold and mechanical?

To my delightful surprise, the opposite unfolded. What emerged was a powerful partnership, a fusion of technology and humanity that surpassed my wildest expectations.

ChatGPT turned out to be a tool that not only respected but also magnified our individuality, unique talents, and intuitive spiritual awareness.

I realized that ChatGPT wasn't here to replace our human essence; rather, it was here to amplify it.

It became a platform where our ideas took shape, where our creativity flourished unbounded by the constraints of time and resources.

Imagine having an intelligent, tireless collaborator, always at the ready to assist, inspire, and learn alongside us.

I've relentlessly incorporated this technology into my business, witnessing firsthand its ability to help my clients articulate their thoughts, generate innovative ideas, and streamline their operations.

And guess what? The heart and soul that define our work have not only remained intact but have become even more radiant.

These transformative experiences have ignited an even greater passion within me to share the extraordinary power of AI with my clients.

I've witnessed how AI, when combined with the finesse of human intuition and spiritual awareness, can revolutionize professional lives in ways previously unimaginable.

The harmonious blend of AI and human uniqueness generates an awe-inspiring synergy.

Introducing the power of AI to my clients has enriched their professional journeys in unimaginable ways. For that, I am profoundly grateful to ChatGPT.

And the story continues to unfold as we delve deeper, learn more, and grow alongside AI.

So, here's to the thrilling journey ahead, to exploring the boundless possibilities of AI, and to empowering more and more heart-centered coaches and spiritual entrepreneurs to embrace this transformative technology.

If you're intrigued by AI or seeking ways to enhance your business, I'm here to help.

As seen in...

While we provide the highest and best level of service, as with any program, Leading Edge Coaching & Training, LLC is unable to make promises or guarantees with respect to any outcome from participation in The AI Advantage. Therefore we cannot and do not guarantee success or any specific level of income or results associated with the services provided. You understand that ultimately you are responsible for your own success in business and that this program is designed to enhance, supplement, and support your business in your efforts to grow.

We're also required to tell you that the experiences from past clients are not a promise that you'll generate the same results. These folks were committed to following our lead and doing what it takes to create their success. What we do works - when you work it. Unfortunately, the average person doesn't do that, They don't follow through or implement and therefore get lackluster results. The caliber of folks who work with us understand this. But for those who need it laid out for them, well, this is it.

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